Akmens Kleisti SIA

Manufacturing of monuments for cemetery

Rīga, Mālu iela 21


Kapu pieminekļu ansamblis

Kapu pieminekļu ansamblis no melnā granīta

kapu pienineklis

kalts kapu piemineklis no Zviedrijas sarkanbrūnā granīta Aurora. 0.85*0.46 m

# 204

Izmers: 70cm x 100cm

Granīts # 2

Izmers: 78cm x 64cm

Granīts #5

Izmers: 85cm x 60cm

Nr. 38

Izmers: 90cm x 90cm

Granite tombstones.

We offer a wide selection of tombstones:          - Open tombstone facings- Semi-closed tombstone facings- Closed tombstone facings*Price may vary depending on granite choice, size, and design.

Granite memorials

We manufacture granite monuments according to your wishes and design. The price may vary depending on the choice of stone, size, and complexity of the design

Granite vases

We offer a wide variety of granite tomb vases. Various sizes, shapes, and color choices are available.

Piemineklis no granīta

Kapa pieineklis

Granīta kapu piemineklis

Piemineklis ir izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes pūlētā melna Zviedrijas granīta. Vāzes statīvs no sarkana granīta "Vanga"akmeņa.

Granīta kapu apmale

Vienvietīgā kapu apmale no granīta

Semi-closed memorial

Semi-closed granite memorial with a space for planting flowers.We offer a wide selection of granite and various custom memorial designs across Latvia.

Granite vases

We offer a wide selection of granite vases.You can place an order online or choose from our selection at our locations at 21 Malu Street or 11 Varonu Street in Riga.We provide delivery throughout Latvia.

Granite bench

Granite benches for the improvement of burial sites.We offer the production of granite benches on an individual order with the option to choose the design, color, and material of the bench.

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Riga, Ķekava, Olaine, Jurmala, Jelgava, Baldone, Sigulda, Ādaži