Garnizon Cemetery in Liepaja
Cemetery services
Funeral services
We take care of all the details of funeral arrangements, allowing you to focus on what matters most — saying goodbye to your loved one.
Our services include a full range of funeral arrangements, from document preparation to organizing the farewell ceremony. Every step is tailored to your needs to ensure a dignified and peaceful farewell to your loved one.
Grave site cleaning
You can order grave site cleaning online from any city or country. After receiving your request, we will contact you to agree on the necessary tasks, and once completed, we will provide a photo report before and after the cleaning
Grave Site Greening
We offer grave site greening services based on individual requests at all cemeteries in Latvia. It is possible to order the service from any city or country, ensuring professional landscaping and greening that meets your specific preferences and needs
We offer the manufacturing of gravestones and the arrangement of burial sites according to individual orders, with installation at the burial site