Grobiņas evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca


Lielā iela 21, Grobiņa
Grobiņas evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca Gallery photo

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As far as in 1560 the first church in town was located at the Grobiņa Castle Hill on Skābarža Hill, and was built of wood. Due to its bad condition in 1596 it was demolished and a new wooden church was built opposite Grobiņa medieval castle with bastions. Unfortunately, during the Swedish invasion of 1659 the church either burned down, or was burnt down deliberately. The fire destroyed not only the church building, but everything that was inside, including all the decorations, including its luxurious altar.

In Duke Jacob's time, or in 1660, when the Duke lived at the Grobiņa medieval castle with bastions, a construction of a new stone church commenced. The church was consecrated in 1664, while its subsequent renovation it experienced later in 1892.

Currently, the church proudly presents its extraordinary brightness and gorgeous renewed altar.

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