In Sensum — Grave Site Beautification

In Sensum — Grave Site Beautification Verified company badge

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In Sensum — Gravestone Production

We have been taking care of grave site beautification and cleaning for over 20 years

If you want your loved ones' grave sites to always be well-maintained, "In Sensum" offers gravestone production and beautification services in Riga, Salaspils, and all Latvian cemeteries.

In collaboration with experienced landscape architects, we will create a personalized grave design project, taking into account your wishes and the surrounding environment.

We offer custom solutions for gravestone production and grave site beautification, including installation at cemeteries across Latvia.

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Main Services

Grave site beautification

Order Grave Site Beautification

We provide grave site beautification services, including the creation of complete grave ensembles. Our specialists offer aesthetic and carefully designed solutions that fully meet your wishes and traditions.

Contact us to receive a personalized consultation, coordinate all necessary work, and determine the costs.

Grave monuments In Sensum

Order a Grave Monument

We create grave monuments based on individual orders, customizing the design to your specific wishes and requirements. We provide high-quality installation at the burial site.

Contact us for a free consultation, to agree on the details, and to determine the costs.

Grave site cleaning services

Request Grave Site Cleaning

We carry out grave site cleaning services to maintain the site in order, regardless of your location. We offer photo reports before and after the work is completed, and the ability to order the service remotely from any country or city.

Contact us for a free consultation, to agree on the necessary work, and to determine the exact costs.

Most Popular Products

Pieminekļi no granīta
Granite Gravestones

This granite grave monument is made of black granite with an elegant, curved form design.

Granīta kapu soliņš no divu veidu granīta
Granite Grave Bench From Two Types of Granite

This grave bench is made of two types of granite, combining elegance and durability. The seating is made of lighter granite, while the supports are made of darker granite with expressive textures.

Average Score
5 / 5
08. Nov 2024
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Profesionāla attieksme, ātrs un kvalitatīvs darbs. Liels paldies par to, ko paveicāt!!!

09. Oct 2024
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Paldies puišiem par lieliski un kvalitatīvi padarītu darbu

05. Jun 2024
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Izmantojām kapu labiekārtošanas pakalpojumus. 200 km attālums nebija šķērslis. Darbs tika paveikts ļoti rūpīgi, komunikācija ātra un ļoti laipna. Profesionāļi savā jomā! Viennozīmīgi iesaku!

Service Territory / City

Salaspils, Riga, Kekava, Ogre, Ikskele, Bauska.

Immediate Help

+(371) 22 055 885
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