Funeral Home Klusums

Funeral Home Klusums

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Funeral services

Funeral Bureau Klusums offers a full range of funeral services in Ventspils and throughout Latvia

The death of a loved one is a deeply painful moment in life, often leaving us confused and uncertain about how to proceed. The funeral bureau Klusums is here to guide you through this difficult time, offering professional support and solutions for all matters related to funerals.

We provide full cooperation at every stage of this process: document preparation, funeral organization, funeral services, and cremation.

Our work is based on respect, quality, and reliability.

We are available 24 hours.

We wish to help you during this sad moment of life and take care of organizing the funeral ceremony.

Funeral services in Ventspils, Liepaja

Main Services

Traditional burial in Ventspils

Traditional Burial

We will arrange the funeral, providing all necessary services and accessories for a respectful farewell ceremony.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Cremation services in Ventspils


We organize the farewell ceremony and cremation, and take care of all the necessary document processing.

How much does cremation cost? Contact us for a free consultation.

Funeral accessories in Ventspils

Funeral Accessories

A wide range of funeral accessories: coffins, crosses, urns, and other essential items for burial and cremation. You can order products both in person and online.

Contact us for a free consultation and to learn about prices.

Average Score
5 / 5
31. Mar 2025
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

AB "Klusums" - korekta attieksme, profesionālas konsultācijas, pieņemama pakalpojumu cena, apkalpošana augstā līmenī. Īpaša pateicība kapa racēju komandai, kura š.g.februāra sākumā Useru kapos bēru ceremonijas laikā sniegputenī un apledojumā veica ne tikai savus tiešos pienākumus, bet arī palīdzēja bēriniekiem nokāpt no apledojušā kapu kalna. Vienkārši tāpat - cilvēcīgi, bez papildus samaksas. Paldies! Iesaku.

31. Mar 2025
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Paldies par individuālu pieeju, par palīdzību, augstu servisu un siltu attieksmi. Jūsu darbs ir nenovērtējams. Milzīgs paldies AB Klusums par darbu ko darat.

31. Mar 2025
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Vainagu cenas un ziedu kvalitāte ir perfekta. paldies Margaritai un visai Klusuma komandai

Service Territory / City

Ventspils, Ventspils district, Liepaja.

Immediate Help

+(371) 22 055 885
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