Klusums, apbedīšanas birojs

Funeral services

Inženieru 45, Ventspils,

General information for this company is published but not verified since a long time - please check the information.

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Klusums, apbedīšanas birojs Gallery photo

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Funeral service bureau “Klusums” offers a full range of funeral services in Ventspils. We will support you in difficult times. We have a wide range of funeral services and everything you need to organize a funeral.

We provide 24/7 assistance

Office hours:

  • Monday 9:00-17:00
  • Tuesday 9:00-17:00
  • Wednesday 9:00-17:00
  • Thursday 9:00-17:00
  • Friday 9:00-17:00
  • Saturday 9:00-15:00
  • Sunday Closed
djuma4@gmail.com (primary)
63622309 (primary)
Social networks
Open / Working schedule
00 - 24
00 - 24
00 - 24
00 - 24
00 - 24
00 - 24
00 - 24
Area we are working
Ventspils rajons.

Additional services

Funeral services

- Coffin - 190.00 euros (standard) - Cover for the body - 15.00 euros - A / M (in the city) - 55.00 euros - Porters - 135.00 euros (6 people) - Towel rental – EUR 25.00 - Delivery of the coffin to the morgue and transportation of the coffin with the body of the deceased to funeral - 35.00 euros - Cemetery services without a chapel - 155.00 euros: a) registration of the grave b) digging a grave c) decorating the grave Registration of documents is free. *Price may vary depending on the choice of services.


Primary information

Company name
Legal form
Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību
P.v.n. Reg. Number
Registered / Inside the register
Komercreģistrs 10.01.2005
Registration application number
Nr. K071087. 12.11.2007
Services company provide
Apbedīšana un ar to saistītā darbība (96.03, versija 2.0) (Avots: GP2015, CSP)
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