Landzes luterāņu baznīca


Ventspils novads, Piltenes pagasts, Landze
Landzes luterāņu baznīca Gallery photo

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For more than 300 years old Landze Lutheran church stands near Piltene, in very picturesque place, on the riverside of Venta. Landscape around the church is supplemented by ancient lindens (total of 7 secular lindens, circuit of the biggest is 6.4 m – it was apiarist’s tree, stern had big masers). Landze church is connected with Rectory (former pension home building) by ash-tree alley; among ash-trees grows 2 m wide pear-tree.

The church has baroque style altar, pulpit and sacristans desk made by eminent master of Ventspils woodcarving workshop Nicolaus Soeffrens.

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