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Dundagas pagasts,

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Plague stones There are peculiar witnesses of the disaster brought by the Great Plague (1710-1711) in Latvia, and these are stones. The most famous of them are Mazirbe plague stones which are the monuments of the Latvian medicine and carry engraved inscriptions in Latin regarding the weather, events at the Liiv's land and historical personalities.

The signs engraved in Mazirbe plague stones have attracted the interest of historians as early as at the end of the 19th century, at this time the research was started by the linguists of St. Peterburg Academy of Science Sjergens and Kalmeijers. According to the research, there have been four plague stones, however, one of the stones has got lost over time, there are no indications regarding the location of the stone in references, it has been as if used for constructing the foundation of the priest's manor.

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Dundagas pagasts.

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