MS Grave Cleaning and Beautification

Grave Renovation at Ivan Cemetery

General Grave Cleaning and Renovation: Comprehensive cleaning of the monument, flower bed, and concrete and granite details of the grave frame. The bench has been cleaned and repainted, shrubs have been renewed, and the flower beds have been cleared. Geotextile has been laid across the entire area, and a new layer of sand has been added. Ivan Cemetery, Riga, 2022.

Grave Renovation at Ivan Cemetery

Autumn Grave Cleaning

We provide autumn grave cleaning services in all cemeteries across Latvia

Autumn Grave Cleaning

Grave site cleaning

Spring and autumn cleaning of grave sites in Riga cemeteries

Grave site cleaning

Autumn Grave Cleaning

Autumn Grave Cleaning from september to сandlemas eve, we offer autumn grave cleaning services in cemeteries across Latvia based on individual orders

Autumn Grave Cleaning

Grave site before cleaning

Burial site before cleaning work

Grave site before cleaning

Grave site after cleaning

General grave site cleaning completed

Grave site after cleaning

Main Services

Grave Site Cleaning

Grave Site Cleaning

We provide grave site cleaning and maintenance services according to individual requests at all cemeteries in Latvia

Grave Site Greening

Grave Site Greening

We offer grave site greening services based on individual requests at all cemeteries in Latvia. It is possible to order the service from any city or country, ensuring professional landscaping and greening that meets your specific preferences and needs

			Buried Persons Search

Buried Persons Search

Here you can find buried persons in all digitized cemeteries in Latvia and submit data for updates if information about a specific burial site is missing.

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+(371) 22 055 885
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