The company Atvadas has opened the Central Funeral Home of Riga

Центральный дом похоронного бюро ATVADAS в Риге по адресу Тераудлиетувес 3
The Central funeral house "Atvadas" in Riga is located ar Teraudlietuves street 3 

It's as if it's not an integral part of life but something shameful that should be forgotten as soon as possible. Moreover, for many Latvians, the concerns related to bidding farewell to their loved ones are still associated with suspicious, run-down offices in basements and back alleys, where they are eager to take advantage of your misfortune, and even outright deceive you, with poverty and neglect.

The new funeral services complex by Atvadas, located next to this "bygone era," is like night and day. It's a large, spacious two-story building adorned with glass and marble, where everything related to funerals can be handled in one place. Andrey Rachkovsky, the director of Atvadas Funeral Agency, doesn't hide his ambitious plans. 

"We are planning to become the central funeral home in Riga," he says. 

According to him, a modern, humane, and thoroughly planned funeral service is not something new for Europe, and even for neighboring Lithuania. However, in Latvia, Atvadas is the first funeral bureau offering 21st-century standards and treating the needs and requests of the client with respect.

Farewell hallFarewell hall

In the new complex, there is a funeral accessories store with the widest range, one of the best workshops in Riga for making gravestones and monuments. Naturally, there are cold storage rooms here. Two farewell halls are designed by a designer in a strict and concise style. One significant detail is the heated floors. Surely, many remember how they had to freeze in cemetery chapels during the agonizing moments of farewells and requiems. The halls are equipped with a multimedia system that allows you to view memorable photos and videos. Special modern hearses are used for transportation.

Modern hearses equipped with modern facilities

Modern hearses equipped with modern facilities

Convenience, comfort, a well-organized service, and reasonable prices when we talk about sending a person on their final journey - this is not cynicism, but what a person has the right to expect when turning to a funeral company. Despite the formal glass facade, the cost of services at Atvadas can sometimes be even lower than that of firms from the "backstreets" thanks to its high volume of work, well-thought-out logistics, streamlined interaction with partners, starting from the morgue and document processing, including benefit applications, and ending with the crematorium and the final resting place.

Atvadas is a pioneer in everything related to the online organization of funeral services, which became especially popular during the COVID epidemic. On the website, everything is neatly laid out, and you can easily place any order, take care of all the details without leaving your computer, and review the price list. When ordering online, you can save from 100 to 200 euros. All of this, combined with reliability and a long-standing reputation, is appreciated by younger customers, for whom life (and increasingly, death) happens online. But Atvadas is also valued by older Latvians, as the company has been there for many clients during their moments of grief for over 30 years.

Paradoxical as it may sound, Atvadas believes that one should take care of their own funeral. The company was the first in Latvia to sign pre-death contracts with clients, back in 1993. An increasing number of clients, while in good health and sound mind, take care of how their journey to the other world will be. They may want to invite their mother-in-law and first wife to the farewell, choose the flowers they prefer, decide whether a church ceremony is needed, and perhaps even select a special piece of music to play in the farewell hall – something that holds special meaning for them, their friends, and loved ones. Something that reminds them of the times they were together and happy.

Our contacts:

  • Теraudlietuves street 3, Riga
  • Hipokrata street 2, Riga 

24/7 phones: 8388, 20692069                                

Atvadas SIA – Funeral Services Since 1993. Logo
Atvadas SIA – Funeral Services Since 1993.

We offer burial services, cremation, ceremony arrangements, document processing, and assistance with obtaining benefits. We also provide international transportation of the deceased and grave site mai...

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