Piemiņas vietas komunistiskā terora upuriem vēsturiskajā Cēsu apriņķī

Memoriālie objekti

12 Pils iela, Cēsis, Latvija

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The memorial plaques include information about the people of the parishes of the historic Cēsis district who paid dearly for loving and cultivating their land – with their lives. During the Soviet occupation, as much as 5000 people of the historic Cēsis district suffered various forms of oppression.

The plaques also include the names of those 643 people who died as a result of the Soviet repressions – deported, arrested or executed as partisans.

The memorial is located in the courtyard of the Cēsis Municipal police on Pils Str. 12. During the Soviet occupation, the KGB periodically used the detention cells of then Cēsis Militia for political prisoners.

The memorial was created by the Cēsis branch of the Latvian Union of the Politically Repressed. Artist: Dainis Andersons. Opening date: June 17, 2015.

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