Slokas Jaunie kapi (Meža (Jūrmala) kapi)

Slokas Jaunie kapi (Meža (Jūrmala) kapi)

Eduarda Veidenbauma iela 1, Jūrmala, LV-2011, Latvia

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Slokas Jaunie kapi (Meža (Jūrmala) kapi)

Svecīšu vakars 2023. gadā 26. novembrī

Kapusvētki 2023. gadā 9. jūlijā, plkst. 13:00

Svecīšu vakars 20. novembrī Kapusvētki 2022. gadā 9. jūlijā plkst. 13:00 Prūsijas Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca kā Mirušo piemiņas dienu (Svecīšu vakaru) noteica baznīcas gada pēdējo svētdienu pirms Adventes laika sākuma (2019. g. 24. novembrī). Romas katoļu baznīca Mirušo

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Svecīšu vakars 2023. gadā 26. novembrī

Kapusvētki 2023. gadā 9. jūlijā, plkst. 13:00

Svecīšu vakars 20. novembrī Kapusvētki 2022. gadā 9. jūlijā plkst. 13:00 Prūsijas Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca kā Mirušo piemiņas dienu (Svecīšu vakaru) noteica baznīcas gada pēdējo svētdienu pirms Adventes laika sākuma (2019. g. 24. novembrī). Romas katoļu baznīca Mirušo piemiņas dienu svin 2. novembrī.

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Cemetery services

Funeral service in Jurmala

A full range of services for funeral arrangements, cremation, and repatriation, including the preparation of all necessary documents.

We provide 24/7 transportation of the deceased to the morgue from home, hospital, nursing home, or any other location.

We offer a wide selection of funeral accessories to ensure a dignified farewell ceremony.

Contact us for a consultation or to arrange transportation of the deceased.

Grave site cleaning

You can order grave site cleaning online from any city or country.

After receiving your request, we will contact you to agree on the necessary tasks, and once completed, we will provide a photo report before and after the cleaning.

Contact us to receive a free consultation, clarify the cleaning tasks, and their costs.

Grave Site Greening

We offer grave site greening services based on individual requests at all cemeteries in Latvia.

It is possible to order the service from any city or country, ensuring professional landscaping and greening that meets your specific preferences and needs.

Contact us to receive a free consultation, get advice on plant selection for grave landscaping, and their costs.


We offer the manufacturing of gravestones and the arrangement of burial sites according to individual orders, with installation at the burial site.

We offer a wide selection of ready-made designs or create custom monuments, ensuring their installation at the cemetery.

Contact us to receive a consultation or place an order for the service.

Companies and services around the cemetery

ANGEL AB — Funeral Home in Jurmala Logo
ANGEL AB — Funeral Home in Jurmala Verified company badge

The death of a loved one is a painful moment in life, and not everyone knows how to act in this situation. Our experienced team will help you resolve all questions: The team of our funeral home will p...

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Search for Deceased Persons

This cemetery has been digitized with the help of the project. Enter the data of the deceased person in the search.

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Wooden Grave Bench KS-1

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Average Score
5 / 5
09. May 2021
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Спасибо. Благодаря Вашему сайту наконец-то удалось найти место захоронения моего двоюродного прадеда-Поликарпова Сергея Ивановича(Sergeis Polikarpovs) ,(захоронение № 10500027 на кладбище Lacupes kari),даже есть фото могилки и карта соседних захоронений. Я из России, так как посетить лично возможности нет, я очень Вам признательна, что смогла хотя бы просто увидеть место упокоения моего родственника. Зыкова Татьяна.

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