ANGEL AB — Funeral Home

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Funeral Home — ANGEL AB

Our experienced team provides comprehensive support in funeral organization.

We offer assistance with document preparation and translation, transportation of the deceased to or from any country, cremation arrangements, and provide support at any time of the day or night.

Our office offers a wide range of funeral items and products, including fabric-finished caskets, wooden caskets, sarcophagi, urns, funeral wreaths, mourning flowers, candles, and other necessary items. All of these ensure a dignified and thoughtful farewell.

We guarantee dedicated support and high-quality products tailored to your needs.

ANGEL AB - Funeral Bureau in Riga, Latgales Street 108

Main Services

Funeral services in the center of Riga

Funeral Services

Our office staff will assist you in preparing and organizing everything necessary for traditional funerals, carefully considering every step and detail to bid a respectful farewell to your loved one

Cremation services in Riga


We will ensure the entire organization process for cremation, from document preparation to the ceremony itself, both IN-PERSON and REMOTELY, listening carefully and accurately following all your wishes regarding this matter


24-hour Morgue Services

We provide 24-hour morgue services to assist at any time and ensure dignified storage of the deceased

Most Popular Products

Balts sarkofāgs
White sarcophagus

White sarcophagus with bronze fittings.

Ādas sarkofāgs
Leather Sarcophagus

Leather sarcophagus in black colour with metal fittings.

Koka urna
Wooden Urn

Wooden urns - an elegant and natural way to preserve the memory of a loved one. Made from high-quality wood.

Metāla urna
Metal Urn

Each design of our metal urns is carefully crafted to ensure both aesthetics and functionality.

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Average Score
4.7 / 5
Madlena Auksmuksta
18. Oct 2024
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Liels paldies AB Angel par profesionālu darbu! Īpašs paldies Anastasijai🙏Viņa nokārtoja visas formalitātes manā vietā ar cilvēcīgu un saprotošu attieksmi, kas bija milzīgs atbalsts šajā grūtajā brīdī!!!

04. Jul 2019
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Добрый день. Хочу Вашей фирме и Вашей команде выразить большую благодарность в проведении похорон. Вы всё сделали на должном уровне, ребята выполняли свою работу слажено и быстро. Спасибо за выполненую работу. Станислав

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+(371) 22 055 885
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