Pokrova kapi


Mēness iela 3, Rīga

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In the bustle of nowadays life rarely do we think about the place for the final rest. But the day when it is time for someone to leave will come, and along with the sadness it brings troubles... Pokrov graveyard is a sole cemetery in Riga that provides an opportunity to arrange a family grave plot beforehand. The cemetery is being constantly taken care of and improved, as well as watched over by the security guards. Pokrov cemetery is located in the city center, which makes it easily accessible.

v-viktor@bk.ru (primary)
26339962 (primary)
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Primary information

Company name
Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "POKROVA KAPSĒTAS PĀRVALDE"
Legal form
Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību
P.v.n. Reg. Number
Registered / Inside the register
Komercreģistrs 29.03.2006
Registration application number
Nr. K084239. 08.12.2008
Services company provide
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