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Šis kapu piemineklis apvieno estētisku un simbolisku vērtību, radot unikālu kapavietas akcentu
Piemineklis izceļas ar harmonisku dizainu, kurā kontrastējošie melnais un sarkanais granīts rada spēcīgu vizuālu iespaidu
Granite grave monument with boulder decor.
Izliektā tumšā granīta plāksne piešķir dizainam plūstošu dinamiku, savukārt taisnstūrveida plāksnes nodrošina stabilitāti un strukturālu līdzsvaru.
Asā līnija, kas atdala melno un sarkano granītu, rada spēcīgu vizuālu un emocionālu iespaidu.
Rough-hewn Granite Headstone.
A granite gravestone in three parts with a fire-shaped decoration.
Granite monument ensemble with granite doves.
Granite gravestone in the shape of a heart.
Exclusive granite gravestone made of two parts with wrought iron decoration.
Gravestone made from Latvian boulder.
Rough-hewn granite gravestone in an oval shape.
A granite gravestone made of two parts, resembling wings.
Granite gravestone in the shape of a heart with angels.
Granite gravestone in classic style.
Granite funerary monument with a massive cross.
Granite gravestone with a cross-shaped carving.
Exclusive monument with a heart in the center on an elegant pedestal.
Melonite grave monument.
Gravestone composition made of granite and boulder.
Granite gravestone composition.
Rough-hewn granite grave monument.
This granite grave monument is made of black granite with an elegant, curved form design.
Granite grave monument with a curved top.