Products and accessories for grave maintenance
Glass portrait with polished edges, designed in the "Modern" decorative style. The background of the portrait has a soft bluish tint, creating lightness and harmony in the image. Portraits can be made in color, black and white, and brown (sepia) variations. Large-sized portraits are also available. For prices on portraits starting from 24×30 cm, please inquire separately. Delivery by Omniva or self-pickup from the office (Mālu iela 28, k3, Riga).
Melnbalta akmens gravējuma imitācija - ovālā formā.. 9x12cm=80,00 10x15cm=90,00 13x18cm=100,00 18x24cm=150,00 Cena var mainīties, ja papildus tiek pievienots cilvēka vārds
Portreti uz pieminekļiem no keramikas, stikla, metāla. Dažāda izmēra. Cena norādīta aptuveni, konkrētu preci izvēlēties katalogā, sazinoties ar uzņēmumu SoulGarden.
Melnbalta fotokeramika - ovāls, ar melnu (tumšu) maliņu, dažādi izmēri: 9x12cm=70,00; 10x15cm=80,00; 13x18cm=90,00; 18x24cm=140,00 Cena var mainīties, ja papildus tiek piev
We carry out autumn cleaning for cemeteries of any size to ensure their neatness and aesthetic appearance throughout the autumn season.
We offer general grave cleaning once a year, including thorough maintenance.
Spring Cleaning is a simple cleaning service for the grave site, including the removal of needles, branches, dead plants, candles, and spruce branches from the grave and its surroundings.