Rainar SIA — Apbedīšanas pakalpojumi Liepājā un Kurzemē

Request Funeral Services

We will organize the funeral, providing all the necessary services and supplies to prepare the farewell ceremony.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Application Form


Main Services

Transportation of the deceased from abroad to Latvia

Order repatriation with document processing.

Transportation of the deceased from abroad to Latvia or from Latvia abroad, ensuring the processing of all repatriation documents. How to arrange repatriation?

Contact us for a free consultation.


Morgue services 00-24

Storage, washing, shaving, makeup, embalming, casketing, and other necessary morgue sanitation services.

Kapa vietas uzkopšana Latvijas kapsētās

Grave care

We provide grave cleaning and maintenance services on an individual order basis

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Immediate Help

+(371) 22 055 885
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