Restaurant Zaļais Dārzs

Restaurant Zaļais Dārzs

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Restaurant Zaļais Dārzs

Restaurant Zaļais Dārzs

In creating our restaurant, we have made every effort to combine the elegance of Eastern traditions with the comfort of European style. It could not have been otherwise, as our foundation is attention to the comfort and wishes of each guest. This is why "Green Garden" is a place that is equally suitable for both quiet contemplation alone and cozy conversations with loved ones, as well as a place where you can respectfully and lovingly say goodbye to a loved one by organizing a funeral repast banquet.

Our team will organize the funeral repast according to your wishes. Table setting, choice of venue – in the funeral hall or on the terrace, and menu arrangement are made individually based on your preferences. We will do everything to ensure that the funeral repast remains a tasteful event in your memory.

You will have access to a spacious, artificially landscaped area, where you will find 7 guest cabins – gazebos, banquet halls, a summer pavilion, free parking, and even a spot with a picturesque fountain. Want to keep your child entertained? We have taken care of that as well. Little ones can spend time with their parents or play in the children’s playground. The choice is yours.

Our restaurant "Green Garden" is located in Riga, Ziepniekkalns, at Līvciema Street 1 and Liepājas Street 19.

Our restaurant "Green Garden" is located in Ziepniekkalns – at Līvciema Street 1 and Liepājas Street 19, Riga

Main Services

Bēru mielastu organizēšana

Banquet Halls

We offer memorial service organization in private banquet halls

Funeral Repast Organization

Funeral Repast Organization

We offer funeral repast organization, providing a custom-tailored menu. Choose the most suitable main dishes, appetizers, desserts, and drinks that align with your preferences and traditions. Our experienced team will take care of every detail to create a respectful atmosphere for the farewell moment

Menu Zaļais Darzs


Choose the most suitable main dishes, appetizers, desserts, and drinks that align with your preferences and traditions

Average Score
5 / 5
26. Nov 2024
Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled Star filled

Большие порции, хорошо приготовленной еды! Широкий ассортимент, очень вкусно! Имеются отдельные домики. Заведение не видно с улицы, и выглядит как секретный объект для узкого круга просвещённых. Навигатор вёл меня по тайным тропам и угрюмым дворам. Не пугайтесь дороги, её там практически нет, но едва вас очень порадует. Приду ещё! Спасибо!

Service Territory / City

Riga, Ziepniekkalns, Riga district.

Immediate Help

+(371) 22 055 885
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