Away farewell feast

Companies that offer off-site memorial meals with table setting at the specified address or at cemeteries throughout Latvia

Organization of off-site memorial meals in Riga – we offer a rich selection of dishes and professional service at your chosen location and time, including cemetery grounds. Order a memorial meal to en...

Work Schedule
Territory: Riga.

We offer three spacious and bright indoor halls for holding a memorial feast, and in the warm season, there is an option to organize a farewell meal on a terrace located in a private area with a beaut...

Work Schedule
Territory: Riga, Kengarags, Riga district.

We offer off-site memorial meals with individual table settings at the specified address or at cemeteries

Work Schedule
Territory: Liepaja, Liepajas district.

Organization of off-site farewell banquets in Riga – we offer a wide selection of menu options and professional service at your specified location and time, including cemeteries. Book your banquet wit...

Work Schedule
Territory: Riga, Imanta, Čiekurkalns, Centrs.

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+(371) 22 055 885
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