TALIFA Restaurant


We are located next to the Pļavnieki and Ulbroka cemeteries, offering ample parking for our guests


Funeral reception organization

We offer spacious private banquet halls for organizing funeral receptions

Funeral reception organization

Private halls

When organizing funeral receptions, we will offer you private rooms, table setting, and a personalized menu

Private halls

Summer terrace

During warm weather, we offer an open terrace or private cabins for organizing funeral repast

Summer terrace

Funeral reception organization

We will organize the funeral reception on the specified date and time, and personalize the menu accordingly

Funeral reception organization

Event organization

Talifa restaurant offers banquet halls for your celebrations

Event organization

Georgian cuisine selection

It consists of cold and hot appetizers, salads, soups, main dishes, and grilled food

Georgian cuisine selection

Table setting

We offer table setting for events and celebrations

Table setting

Hot dishes

We offer a wide selection of hot dishes

Hot dishes

Fresh salads

A wide variety of fresh salads

Fresh salads

Main Services

Bēru mielastu organizēšana

Banquet Halls

We offer memorial service organization in private banquet halls

Apply for Service
Funeral repast organization

Funeral Reception

We offer respectful funeral reception organization with convenient access near the Plavnieki and Ulbroka cemeteries.

Apply for Service


All year-round menu. It includes cold and hot appetizers, salads, soups, main courses, and grilled dishes.

Apply for Service

Immediate Help

+(371) 22 055 885
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