ADELĪNA Banquet Hall

Funeral reception organization in Riga

The ADELĪNA banquet hall offers a calm and respectful environment for organizing a funeral repast

Funeral reception organization in Riga

Menu coordination

Coordinate the menu with us to match your exact preferences and needs

Menu coordination

Funeral meal in Pļavnieki

Adelina banquet hall offers to organize a respectful funeral meal with the option to individually customize the menu and choose a closed hall suitable for the number of guests

Funeral meal in Pļavnieki

Funeral meal

The food is prepared with care to create a warm atmosphere

Funeral meal

Funeral table setting in Riga

We offer table setting services to ensure the farewell meal is exactly as you wish

Funeral table setting in Riga

Funeral meal in Pļavnieki, at Adelina banquet hall

Funeral meal in Pļavnieki, at Adelina banquet hall, offers a respectful and peaceful atmosphere for the farewell ceremony

Funeral meal in Pļavnieki, at Adelina banquet hall

Funeral reception organization

Adelina banquet hall offers to organize a respectful funeral meal with the option to individually customize the menu and choose a closed hall suitable for the number of guests

Funeral reception organization

Banquet halls

We are located in Riga, Plavnieki, at Praulienas Street 9, with convenient access from Janis Greste Street 10

Banquet halls


Our menu offers a wide range of delicious dishes suitable for various tastes and needs


Main Services

Funeral Repast Organization in Banquet Hall

Funeral Repast Organization in Banquet Hall

We organize funeral reception in a banquet hall, offering a customized menu and privacy in closed spaces. Contact us to arrange the date and time.

Organization of Off-site Funeral Repast

Organization of Off-site Funeral Repast

Organization of off-site memorial meals in Riga – we offer a rich selection of dishes and professional service at your chosen location and time, including cemetery grounds. Order a memorial meal to enjoy personalized attention and high-quality service.

Immediate Help

+(371) 22 055 885
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