Products and accessories for grave maintenance
Granite gravestone in the shape of a heart with angels.
Granite gravestone in classic style.
Granite funerary monument with a massive cross.
Granite gravestone with a cross-shaped carving.
Exclusive monument with a heart in the center on an elegant pedestal.
Melonite grave monument.
Gravestone composition made of granite and boulder.
Granite gravestone composition.
Rough-hewn granite grave monument.
Granite grave monument with a curved top.
Granīta krusts 75 cm augsts. Cena var mainīties atkarībā no izmēra un materiāla.
Kapu vāze no kompozītmateriāla melnā krāsā ar rozēm
Kapu vāzes no kompozītmateriāla melnā krāsā ar dekoru
Kapu vāze ko kompozītmateriāla ar kālām
Kapu vāze no kompozītmateriāla "Vanga" krāsā
Kapu vāze no polimērbetona materiāla
Vāzes no polimērbetona melnā krāsā
Kapu vāze no polimērbetona melnā krasā
Vāzes no polimērbetona "Auroras" granīta krāsā
Grave bench with wrought metal legs and a granite surface, as well as a concrete-embedded tool storage box. The price of the box separately is 70.00 EUR + VAT.
A massive granite grave bench with rounded legs and a built-in sitting surface made of a solid granite slab.
A massive granite grave bench with rounded legs and a built-in sitting surface made of a solid granite slab.
Granite bench with intricately carved legs and a seating surface made of granite blocks.
Granite grave bench with straight legs and a wooden top.