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Companies found: 1919

Mr. BOBS logo
  • Čiekurkalna 1.līnija 76
Territory: Riga.
Accompanying your loved one on their eternal journey, we want to take on the responsibility of organizing the memorial meal. The "White" Hall and the "Mr. Boba" Banquet Hall are lo...
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Akmens Kleisti SIA logo
Akmens Kleisti SIA
  • Rīga, Mālu iela 21
  • Varoņu 11, Rīga Branch
Territory: Olaine, Jurmala, Jelgava, Baldone, Sigulda, Ādaži.
Akmens Kleisti SIA is not just a company; it is a story that began in 2008. We specialize in creating not just granite monuments and tombstones, but also thoughtfully landscaped bu...
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MS Kapu Pieminekļi un Dizains logo
MS Kapu Pieminekļi un Dizains
  • Mālu iela 28, Rīga
Territory: Riga, Jurmala, Jelgava, Ogre, Sigulda, Valmiera, Madona.
Services for cemetery beautification - from sketch to final project on the cemetery. Professional services of a cemetery designer - consultations and site visits throughout Latvia....
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Latona Ltd SIA logo
Latona Ltd SIA
  • Rīga, Ģertrūdes iela 58
Territory: Jurmala.
Funeral bureau "LATONA" has been providing a full range of funeral services since 1992. We are one of the first private funeral bureaus in Riga and one of the oldest family-owned b...
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Dzīvības Dārzs SIA logo
Dzīvības Dārzs SIA
  • J.Poruka iela 8, Cēsis
Territory: Valmiera.
Funeral home "Dzivibas darzs" is a full-service funeral agency that provides services ranging from transportation, organization of a funeral ceremony or cremation, and ending with ...
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  • Baumaņi, Slampes pagasts, Tukuma novads
Territory: Riga, Rīgas rajons, Jurmala, Jelgavas novads, Jelgava, Tukums, Tukuma novads, Smārde, Engure, Engures novads, Milzkalne, Ragaciems, Dobeles novads, Jaunpils, Jaunpils novads, Vecpiebalgas novads, Vecpiebalga, Dobele.
Komanda palīdzēs Jums sakopt apbedijuma vietu. Piedāvājam kapavietas labiekārtošanu - pieminekļu izgatavošanu un uzstādīšanu, virskārtas nomaiņu, apmalīšu izgatavošan...
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SIA Ritual Mirklis logo
SIA Ritual Mirklis
  • 18. novembra iela 94
Territory: Malta, Daugavpils novads, Daugavpils, Līvāni, Ilūkste, Kraslava.
Our company "Ritual Mirklis" offers the production of monuments and memorials from granite in Daugavpils, Livani, Kraslava, Vabole, Kalupe, Shpogu, Ilukste, and Malta. A specialist...
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Kotlarovs- kapu pieminekļi
  • Pērnavas iela 18
Monument Manufacturing Company in Jelgava Our company in Jelgava specializes in monument manufacturing and offers a full range of services to ensure the dignified arrangement of yo...
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TĀLE apbedīšanas birojs SIA logo
TĀLE apbedīšanas birojs SIA
  • Tukums, Jāņa iela 9
Territory: Tukums, Tukuma rajons, Kandava.
Our motto is to help people in the most difficult moment of their lives, when relatives leave forever. Funeral home "Tāle" provides comprehensive funeral services in the city and r...
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MS Apbedīšana un Kremācija logo
MS Apbedīšana un Kremācija
  • Mālu 28, Rīga
Territory: Riga, Jurmala, Jekabpils, Liepaja, Ventspils, Ogre, Kuldiga, Jelgava, Sigulda, Ainaži, Aizkalne, Aizkraukle, Ādaži, Baloži, Cesis , Dagda, Dobele, Engure, Ērgļi, Gulbene, Iecava, Rēzeknes novads, Līvāni, Limbazi, Bauska, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Saulkrasti, Talsi, Ludza, Salacgriva, Mārupes novads.
Memorial Services - funeral and ritual services in Latvia. Our team is ready to assist you with organizing funeral services: Transporting the deceased to the morgue 24/7 Traditiona...
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IK Akmens BM logo
IK Akmens BM
  • Sloka, Jūrkalnes iela 6, Jūrmala
Territory: Jurmala, Spuņciems.
The memorial manufacturing company "Akmens BM" was founded in 1997 on the basis of the memorial workshop of the former "Green Economy". Initially, we were able to produce ordinary ...
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Zaļais Dārzs No2 logo
Zaļais Dārzs No2
  • Liepājas iela 19, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga
  • Līvciema iela 1, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga Branch
Territory: Riga, Rīgas rajons, Ziepniekkalns.
In creating our restaurant, we made every effort to blend the delicacy of Eastern tradition with the comfort of European style. It couldn't be otherwise because our foundation is a...
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JR Akmens, akmeņkalis Juris Romanovs logo
JR Akmens, akmeņkalis Juris Romanovs
  • Turkalnes 12a, Ogre
  • Katlakalna kapi, Rīga Branch
Territory: Ogre, Ogres novads, Riga, Salaspils, Katlakalns, Ropaži, Suntaži.
Akmeņkaļa darbnīca Ciemupē, apkalpo Ogres un Rīgas tuvākās kapsētas - pieminekļu izgatavošana, kapu labiekārtošana. Liela pieredze, augstas kvalitātes granīta materiāli, individuāl...
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Atvadas SIA logo
Atvadas SIA
  • Rīga, Tēraudlietuves iela 3
  • Hipokrāta iela 2-k17, Rīga, LV-1079, Latvija Branch
Territory: Ogre, Salaspils, Olaine.
This website is designed to provide online services and allows you to address all your questions over the internet. The "ATVADAS" agency has been providing funeral services since 1...
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  • Ziemeļu iela 24, Suži, Garkalnes nov., Rīgas raj.,
Territory: Liepājas rajons.
SIA „ASKĒTS” nodarbojas ar produkcijas ražošanu individuālo un grupveida apbedīšanas vietu labiekārtošanai un noformēšanai. Mūsu piedāvāto produktu klāsts ietver lielu daudzumu kap...
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Liepājas apbedīšanas birojs SIA logo
Liepājas apbedīšanas birojs SIA
  • Vaiņodes iela 15, Liepāja
Territory: Liepaja, Vaiņode, Aizpute, Grobiņa, Saldus, Liepājas rajons, Dienvidkurzemes novads.
"Liepaja Funeral Bureau" We have been representing the funeral industry since 2015. All our employees have years of experience in local government and the funeral sector. By the de...
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Citi Medību Lauki, dzīvnieku kapsēta logo
Citi Medību Lauki, dzīvnieku kapsēta
  • A9, Babītes pagasts, LV-2107, Latvia
Territory: Riga, Rīgas rajons.
Dzīvnieku kapsēta "Citi medību lauki" ir veltījums visuzticīgākajam DRAUGAM - sunim ņūfaundlendietim - Karbo Cerbo Kongo Van der Klemanso 24.11.1990. - 22.06.2002. Dzīvnieku kapsēt...
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Zaļais Dārzs logo
Zaļais Dārzs
  • Līvciema iela 1, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga
  • Liepājas iela 19, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga Branch
Territory: Riga, Ziepniekkalns, Rīgas rajons.
In creating our restaurant, we made every effort to blend the delicacy of Eastern tradition with the comfort of European style. It couldn't be otherwise because our foundation is a...
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kafejnīca INTRIGA logo
kafejnīca INTRIGA
  • ŠMERĻA 3 , Rīga
n the building of the Riga Film Studio there is an inconspicuous outside, but comfortable and spacious inside cafe "INTRIGA" where everyone will find a cozy corner. We offer a hall...
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Skulptūru un pieminekļu darbnīca, tēlnieks Ronalds Jaunzems logo
Skulptūru un pieminekļu darbnīca, tēlnieks Ronalds Jaunzems
  • “Jostnieki” Vendzavas, Užavas pag. Ventspils nov.
Territory: Riga, Ventspils, Kuldiga.
Thanks to our tradition of stone forging and good education, the sculptor Ronalds Jaunzems offers professional, original design monuments from natural boulder, as well as a classic...
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